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Judy Neill


Many of you loved Judy!!  She loved seeing the impact of Redeemed Restored Ministries on children in Uganda.  Redeemed Restored Ministries helps children in Uganda receive schooling, clothing, food, medicine, among other things. If you would like to give to this ministry in memory of Judy Neill, please click the link below.


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Redeemed Restored was born out of heartache and betrayal.  Brad and Kasey's story is not one that ends with that pain though.  It is a story of grace and mercy.  It is a story of forgiveness and how God can truly change two hearts to make them one.

It is a story of redemption.  Redemption from the past.  The same story of how Jesus takes our past sin and brings forgiveness to them. It is how God accepts us as sinners, but doesn't leave us that way.

It is a story of restoration. That God takes the broken mess of our past and gives us a future.  Not a future marred with guilt and shame, but a future that has hope and a purpose.

Redeemed Restored started as a desire for God to bring healing to broken marriages.  While that remains at the core of what we do, it has morphed into seeing redemption and restoration in the lives of others, in particular through our Uganda Child Sponsorship Program.

Click on the links below to learn more about our ministries:


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Redeemed Restored was born out of heartache and betrayal.  Brad and Kasey's story is not one that ends with that pain though.  It is a story of grace and mercy.  It is a story of forgiveness and how God can truly change two hearts to make them one.

It is a story of redemption.  Redemption from the past.  The same story of how Jesus takes our past sin and brings forgiveness to them. It is how God accepts us as sinners, but doesn't leave us that way.

It is a story of restoration. That God takes the broken mess of our past and gives us a future.  Not a future marred with guilt and shame, but a future that has hope and a purpose.

Redeemed Restored started as a desire for God to bring healing to broken marriages.  While that remains at the core of what we do, it has morphed into seeing redemption and restoration in the lives of others, in particular through our Uganda Child Sponsorship Program.

Click on the links below to learn more about our ministries:

Marrae Ministry

Marriage Ministry

God has an incredible design for marriage. The Scripture tells us that God is the designer of marriage, and because He is the designer, He knows best!


From our story, God has given us many principles that can help married couples at any stage. 

  • For the couple that is going through some sort of marriage trauma, we have proven biblical principles and support to offer you. 

  • For the couple that is just surviving, we believe there is a better plan and that you can get out of the rut. 

  • For the couple that has a good marriage, we believe the principles we have learned can take your marriage from good to amazing.

How we can help...​

  1. If you are a couple, we can meet with you as a couple and/or through a video conference call (if you are too far to meet with us in person).  We also offer a Marriage Bible Study for couples to walk through.  If you are interest in getting support in anyway for your marriage, contact us with a brief message on how can help and will get back to you ASAP. 

  2. If you are a couple and want to walk through our marriage curriculum in more of a group setting please visit our Facebook Page for info about upcoming small group times.

  3. If you are a husband or wife, and you need someone to talk with, contact us with a brief message and Brad or Kasey will get back with you ASAP

  4. If you are representing a church and would like to have Brad and Kasey come and speak to a group of married couples in your church, please contact us with your church name, what you are looking for, and when you are thinking about having your event.

Support Redeemed Restored Marriage Ministry

Our goal is to help married couples in any way we can.  If you feel like this is a ministry you would like to give to, the monies given will be to help with online resources, print material, travel expenses, etc. All money given to this ministry will be used to help as we minister to couples needing marriage support.  Simply press the Give button below and you will be taking to our giving portal...and thank you!!

Uganda Child Sponsorships

Uganda Partnership & Pastor Bernard


Pastor Bernard Bogere grew up as an orphan in Lugazi, Uganda. His desire was to be educated, but he did not have the means to finance his education.  As a teenager, he was adopted by an American missionary couple, LeRoy and Marcella Holmberg.  His new family shared with him the love of Christ, to which he responded by becoming a Christian.  They also paid for him to attend school.

Bernard went to University and received his degree in accounting. He earned a job as an account in the sugar factory.  This was during a time of religious oppression in Uganda, but he continued to share his faith and conduct Bible Studies.  Because of this, he was arrested and placed in prison for his desire to disciple people.

After religious freedom was restored, he began a church in the area. It was also during this time that he adopted 9 children (already having 4 biological children), because he had a heart for orphans.  He received training and was ordained in the Apostolic Church in New Zealand in the early 1980's. 

Since that time Pastor Bernard has started numerous churches in surrounding towns. He has also started multiple schools including Lugazi Community Primary School, which educates local children (many of whom are orphans), up to 8th grade, and Misindi Girls School, which seeks to educate girls and teach them a trade to support themselves in adulthood.


We met Pastor Bernard and his lovely wife Elizabeth in 2011, while adopting our 2 children from Uganda.  Pastor Bernard had identified them as at risk and worked with our adoption agency to unite them as part of our family.  Bernard and Elizabeth fostered our children for 6 months, until we arrived for court.

Pastor Bernard's desire is to help educate the children in the area with a Christ-centered education.  At the schools, healthcare and meals are provided for the children, many of whom would not have these basic needs on their own. He has also designed sport's programs to help reach out to the community and give them a sense of pride in where they live.  

How to Sponsor

How to Sponsor a Child

Because many of the children do not have means to pay for schooling, whether their parents are very poor or they are orphaned, the need for support is great. Having been able to see the work that the schools do and believing in what Pastor Bernard has done in the area, we ask for you to consider sponsoring a child.

The cost for sponsorship is $35 per child per month.  This gives them clothing, education, meals while at the school, and healthcare if needed.  Please pray and ask the LORD if this is something He is asking you to do.  You can look through the pictures and decide who you would like to sponsor. 


Below the pictures is a form, fill it out, make sure to include the child(ren"s) name(s).  When you click "submit" you will be taken to the payment portal.  All gifts are tax deductible!  You can set up an automatic draft each month by either check or credit card.  After selecting to sponsor a child, you will receive a card in the mail with your sponsor child's  information so you can pray for them regularly.  You will also get updates from the child via email, to know how they are doing and how your sponsorship is impacting them.

If you have questions or want to know more before sponsoring, please contact us and will answer any questions.

Uganda Child Sponsorship


Please fill out the form below to sponsor.

If you would like to request a specific child, then please note that in the form. 

Click "Submit Sponsorship Payment", you will be taken to a separate website and can choose a regular payment to be automatically drafted monthly.

If you choose not to sponsor a child monthly, but would like to give, click the link below:


    Contact Us    

1207 Bradley Dr

Cleburne, TX 76033

Tel: 254-396-6657

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